Weak horses, weak horses, weak horses….

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  • Weak horses, weak horses, weak horses….

…but some very strong performers!

Spreading over several spaces, we worked on a number of different scenes. We resurrected the weak horses game, made a start on learning underneath the arches and saw the families of Mayflower Street heading to the arches for another sleepless night. We also had a glimpse of the telephone control centre and the production line of a factory.

Tomorrow we will be working on units F6, F8 and I2. So if you are in any of these scenes – we need you!

Do keep your eye on the “Towards Performance” section on the site. As we are now actually heading towards the performance – this section of the site will be updated with rehearsal videos, possibly the script, photos from rehearsals, the rehearsal schedule etc.


9 responses

  1. Have been looking at the Blown Up poem – Syrupy and slow . . . Have been attempting to memorize it. It has evocative imagery – a lost limb, a teacup that turns to dust, a broken roof, shattered floors, postcards that fly away from human grasp . . . Read the play thru once, Tuesday night. The story is a journey from the inception of the Blitz to its thankful conclusion. SHELTER: The intimacy of the public shelter can create a set of images that can reflect war-time moods and thinking patterns. Last night’s 5 reactions: One can internalize/own emotions/reactions that can produce shudders/spasms. The death of a child is a grim occasion. . . . Ian’s point about how the Blitz men had a certain way about them is helpful. Perhaps we can imitate past mannerisms. . . . Got to get Martha into that steerage Anderson Shelter tonight!

  2. Feedback on the percussive shelter build. Felt this worked well, though would benefit from further practise. In particular the post queue fight sequence. Feel that essential we have actual hammers for the watching work men as knuckles took a beating. wondered whether we need to be bigger in our disapproval and whether this could in some way be orchestrated with the gaps in the punctuated percussion.

  3. Did some research into the differences between men at that time and now. interestingly the military thing, bearing etc is compounded nby the fact that national service didn’t start until after this period apparently;what seems most interesting to me is the fact that men of that period tended to be alot more active. Many walked much greater distances and worked physically. They were less sedentary and as was described to me more nimble, physically active and all without sports clothing and trainers. This last took me back to particularly sprightly uncle (wife’s) who was an engineer and therefore not military but very upright and organised. He like many of that time (pre mass consumer I presume) looked after his possessions very carefully. Everything had its place and was made to last. he had very clear routines. Fewer clothes and generally more formal. His work clothes and Sunday best. Always starched, ironed and hung meticulously. His shoes old but polished always cared for repaired and long lasting. his specs and shaving equipment carefully cleaned and in their place. He seemed to do everything in a particular. he respected his environment and would turn his hand to almost any practical task. Hewas incredibly fast at acquiring new skills particularly manual. he grew all his own food and his health was correspondingly amazing; nimble and precise, no slouch and sharply articulate, very independent of thought and high spirited not a negative person, a can do person. Makes you question our over reliance on technology and the selling of everything.

  4. Thursday night was great – men-dominated (!)and loud at times. There was shouting and hammering and ‘someone’ got beaten about! Mayhem! I think we need more unity than that to win the war with the Gerries! . . . I found the process of learning the lines, while rehearsing, rather useful. Ham gets busy on his knees, trying to build a shelter – they all eventually get it built – but will it stay upright?! . . . The ladies’ piece was quite interesting – liked making the sounds to accompany their actions. . . . Thanks for beating me up Mark – good job! . . . On a serious note: my thanks to Marigold for the Performance Schedule which I got by post.

  5. A Poem: BLACKBIRDS: Blackbirds love Mayflower Street/A homely street, with the rush of feet/Where sometimes peace parachutes down/The gardens grow love all round/Though children leave, they should be back/To play weak horses in a pack/Blackbirds bring glee to the blue sky/Before the bombers make us cry.

  6. It was pleasant to sing Underneath The Arches last week – can’t wait to learn all the words! There was a great team spirit as we moved about humming our favourite tunes, and later too when we connected with the children . . . Have been looking at the Ham Anderson Shelter scene. He struggles A LOT with the instructions – but can’t figure out that they’re upside down, not until Lea tells him in the end. Is he dense?! Illiterate?! How about changing the last Lea line to: ‘You’ve got the WRONG instructions’? Might do the trick!

  7. Hi, think it’s a great script and that the images are great. I am less available during April but can do 2 night a week outside of April.

  8. Is Ham the Old Man at Tesco?! ‘Cause: Number 8 doesn’t get hit. Plus, I suppose Ham might have been a part-time stevedore! Edward it seems is the only other candidate for Old Man . . .

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