One-off Crowdfund donation
Click here to donate now. Our belief in the importance of theatre, especially in times of difficulty, has kept us creating and connecting from home. In these globally challenging and uncertain times, the mission of Bubble Theatre is more important than ever. Social distancing, isolation and loneliness are just a few of the unsavoury dishes that […]
Monthly Pledge donation
A monthly Bubble Pledge supports four core areas of our work: supporting school children identified with a speech and language need, nurturing young performers and theatre makers, working with isolated elders and reaching out to new audiences and communities. The Bubble has always been a pioneering organisation and has led creative practice in participatory arts. […]
Legacy Giving
Have you considered including the London Bubble Theatre in your will? Each year London Bubble Theatre creates hundreds of creative opportunities that involve thousands of individuals, in the making and enjoyment of theatre. Creating excellent theatre, involving the community and engendering joy amongst those that participate is what we do best. Over the last 40 […]
Quick Donate
From funding a technical apprenticeship for a local young person, to an in-school workshop, to supporting an artist or area of work such as our audience development and access – there are many ways your donation can make a difference. Every penny is gratefully received. We can further increase your donation at no extra cost […]