Tea Break Theatre

Tea Break Theatre

Tea Break Theatre is a FREE regular social theatre group for older adults aged 55 and older! 

It embodies Bubble Theatre’s core values of creativity, connection and community.  Groups meet either in the lounges or gardens of sheltered housing or community venues, on different days.

At Tea Break Theatre We...

Our participants foster new relationships and learn practical drama skills which support their social and emotional wellbeing. They make new friends and during the term work together to come up with their own drama piece which they perform to friends and family with tea, biscuits and popcorn!

See what is happening this term at Tea Break Theatre!

NEW! Tea Break Theatre Film Project

Our Friday morning Tea Break Theatre group are going to make a short film together with a professional director, filmmaker and editor!

Participants will make a film about the things that matter most to them. The story and style of the piece will be completely up to them with support and encouragement from our practitioners. There will be opportunities to act in the film AND learn about filming techniques. 

Imaginative, topical and entertaining, participants will work on this project for 12-weeks from March to May. Full dates are down below:

NEW! Tea Break Theatre at Trinity Hospital

Tea Break Theatre  is now running at Trinity Hospital Garden & Riverside Almshouses for older adults aged 55 + local to Greenwich. Please see the term dates below: 

For more information and to join a group please contact 
abena@londonbubble.org.uk  |  020 7237 4434

Tea Break Theatre has been running since 2012 and has also been know as ‘Creative Homes’.

We would like to thank The Mercer’s Company and Southwark Council for their generous support of the project.

The narrowboat

London Bubble’s Creative Elders Programme brings people together to connect and create theatre. During the Covid-19 pandemic, some of our groups have met using Zoom.

Once a week we’ve met and imagined, through games, storytelling and improvisation, what it might be like to live on a narrowboat.

These Hands

In the summer of 2014 we asked our Creative Homes groups at Frank Whymark House and Ronald Buckingham Court to remember all the things they had done with their hands.

Supported by Bubble’s specialist artists they wrote a song, gathered from those memories, which they recorded in a sound studio in August.

Creative Homes

Connection, creativity, care.

Find out more about Bubble’s drama-based, group workshops for residents of Southwark sheltered housing.

Reports and Writing

The project evaluation of the pilot stage of the project, to download click HERE
written by Imogen Slater, Centre for Urban & Community Research, Goldsmiths University

March 2014, covering the pilot project in Frank Wymark House & Ronald Buckingham Court from August 2012 – September 2013

Bespoke Commissions

Alongside our regular programme of sessions, Bubble’s specialist experience working with older adults means we are able to offer bespoke commissioned projects for public and private sector organisations.

Most recently we have been commissioned by:
Southwark Council, to co-lead a series of multi-art form intergenerational workshops bringing together residents of sheltered housing accommodation with local teenagers.

South Bermondsey Partnership Big Local to deliver weekly workshops for older adults attending a their social club.

If you’re interested in talking to us about developing work for your group or organisation please get in touch:
lucy@londonbubble.org.uk | 020 7237 4434