bubble's older adults took over bubble hq!

March 24th 2022 was a chance for all to enter the world of Tea Break Theatre and the Rotherhithe Shed. There was live music, dancing, performances, exhibitions and, of course, refreshments. 

every space was occupied!

who was this event for?

This event was for the members of Tea Break Theatre and The Rotherhithe Shed, and their family and friends. An invitation was also extended to anyone over 55 thinking about joining an older adults’ group here at London Bubble, organisations who support people over 55, and anyone else who values, encourages and celebrates the creativity, joy and stories of the over 55.

I was so overjoyed to be back in the theatre company. Thank you for having us back [at Bubble] performing, it was amazing! Fantastic! Now the world is looking at us...


audience members attended the Play On Showcase.


industry professionals from across the sector were employed to engage with & deliver Play On activity.


London-based YOS’s were offered a free training session; introducing them to our methodology and practice.

Event Resources