We are proud to introduce the below gatherers to you:

Louie is 11 and lives in Rotherhithe. Louie interviewed David – who he seemed  to enjoy meeting very much – he was particularly interested in hearing about what happened when a bomb fell on his local sweet shop, scattering the contents of the shop all over the pavements and leaving lots of free sweets lying around!
Tabitha is 8 and lives in Rotherhithe. Tabitha interviewed Barbara and amongst other things, asked Barbara what games she played in the war and listened as Barbara told her about how she used to collect bits of shrapnel and compare them with other bits that her friends had found. A bit like how they would compare marbles!
Ella is 9 year old and lives in Rotherhithe. Ella interviewed Betty and David. Like many of our interviewees and interviewers, Ella was the same age as Betty was during the Blitz and seemed to be particularly interested in how Betty “escaped” from her host family and how she got back to London.
Kezia is 11 years old and lives in Rotherhithe.  Kezia interviewed Brenda and amongst many other interesting questions, asked her a lot about rationing during the war and how it affected her daily life and also about what her school life and how the Blitz affected her time at school.
Edward is 11 years old and lives in Rotherhithe. Edward interviewed Barbara. Amongst Edward’s many probing questions – Edward asked Barbara whether she was ever tempted to cut a hole in the roof of the air raid shelter so she would be able to watch the  bombs falling! Barbara replied by saying that she hadn’t thought of doing that.
Asya is 11 years old and lives in Brockley. Asya interviewed  Brenda. Brenda’s flat was a bit of a mini “Blitz Museum” many items of her furniture still show signs of shrapnel damage – including her piano and her wardrobe doors.
Louise is 10 years old and lives in Bermondsey. Louise interviewed Betty. In the course of her interview, she asked Betty about how she felt when one of her neighbours houses received a direct hit and what thoughts were  running through her mind.
Alex is 11 years old and lives in Borough. Alex interviewed Sheila and asked her about all of the things that she had to give up during the Blitz. But left the interview with some of Sheila’s very own home baked cakes!
Jodie is 10 years old and lives in Kennington. Jodie interviewed Sheila and found out a touching story all about Sheila’s doll’s pram. During one of the raids, Sheila’s little doll pram got smashed to bits. In the interview she recounts crying over the doll’s pram and then a chap in uniform arriving, saying that he would get it fixed. Sheila told him that she wanted it to be painted green. Shiela  then told Alex and Jodie all about the weeks she spent sincerely believing that this chap would come back with an all-fixed, newly painted pram – forgetting about everything else that was happening around her. The pram never came.
Sapphire lives in Deptford. She interviewed Reeny Summer, alongside Amelia. Sapphire has been coming to Bubble for the last couple of years. She seemed to enjoy her interview very much, particularly the mars bar and the glass of coke that came afterwards!
Amelia is new to London Bubble. She lives in Rotherhithe and interviewed Reeny Summer, alongside Sapphire. Amelia was a very attentive interviewee – listening carefully to Reeny as she spoke and picking up on some very interesting points.
DANIEL Daniel lives in Deptford. He is in his first term at Bacon’s College and is enjoying meeting lots of new people there. He likes to listen to music, sing, dance and do a bit of acting when he gets the chance. Daniel interviewed Sheila Bulmer, alongside Becky Penny.
BECKY Becky lives in Rotherhithe. She has two rabbits called Abby and Irene. Becky enjoys singing and dancing and acting. She is a pupil at Bacon’s College and attended one of our sessions on interview techniques and then came along to Bubble a week later to do her interview. Becky interviewed Sheila Bulmer, alongside Daniel.
MERLIN Merlin is 18 years old and lives in Deptford. She interviewed Eileen about her experiences of the Blitz – Eileen was the same age as Merlin when lived through this time. Amongst many other things, Merlin asked Eileen about the role of women during the war and about how London has changed since the Blitz years.
Geillo is a student at Bacons’ College and interviewed Daisy Edwards, alongside Wendy Ndjoli.  She is taking GSCE Drama and is planning to come and do her work experience with us in December.  She is 14 years old and lives in Bermondsey

Wendy is also a student at Bacon’s College and interviewed Daisy Edwards, alongside Geillo Kobba. Wendy is 14 – the same age as Daisy when she lived through the Blitz. Amongst other things, Wendy asked Daisy about her experiences in the air-raid shelters. Wendy lives in Bermondsey.


Also a student at Bacons, Danielle interviewed Gladys Saunders alongside Billy Hines. Danielle was a very attentive interviewee and showed great interest in the old coines that Daisy showed Billy and Danielle after the interview. She also lives in Bermondsey.


Billy interviewed Gladys Saunders, alongside Danielle.  Billy expressed a great interest in World War 2 – especially in the weapons and military vehicles that were deployed during the war. Billy lives in Deptford.

Tommy has been a participant at London Bubble for a good few years.  He is 17 years old and he has just started attending the BRIT School for Performing Arts in Croydon. Tommy interviewedAlfred Wright who was 20 at the beginning of the war and who worked in Rotherhithe as a “docker” in Surrey Commercial Docks.

Karielle is 11 years old and is a student at Bacon’s College. She interviewed Mary Hewwitt, alongside George Brown. Karielle enjoys spending time with her family and playing on the X-box. Karielle was very excited about doing the interview and asked some very poignant questions.

George Brown is also 11 years old and a student at Bacons.  He describes himself as a “fun-loving” chap with a good sense of humour. George had prepared very well for the interview – he has seen a number of programmes about the Blitz and also the film “Goodnight Mr.Tom”, which he says helped him to understand the experiences of the children that lived through the Blitz.

Tara is 17 years old and lives in Bermondsey. She interviewed Annie Wright about her experiences of life, love and work in the Blitz. Tara has been coming to Bubble since she was eight years old, has performed in four intergenerational projects and has raised money for one of our youth theatres.


Tanya is 9 years old and lives in Bermondsey. She interviewed Rosie Wheatland about her experiences of the Blitz. She has been coming to Bubble since she was six years old and in her glittering performance career with us so far, has been a ladybird and a cake. Who knows what this production will see her become…


Jasmine is 9 years old and lives in Rotherhithe. Alongside Tanya, she interviewed Rosie Wheatland about her Blitz experiences.  Jasmine asked Rosie about the experiences of the blackout, what she did in the shelters and much more.