Our MAKE SPACE! alumni of 2024 cordially invite you to their second scratch night for an evening of London’s MANLIEST new performances. Get ready for muscle, hustle and taches!
Expect silly, expect strange, expect the unexpectable!
To be announced…
Thursday 6th March
7pm - 9pm
3-5 Elephant Lane, London Bubble Theatre, SE16 4JD
£5 + booking fee *
* We love supporting our community’s artists whenever we can, and while tickets cannot be purchased on this website as this event isn’t hosted by London Bubble, we’re thrilled to help spread the word!
You can support BOY Theatre by booking your tickets using this link: Boy Scrath Night #2.
BOY Theatre is a newly formed theatre company comprising of Kit Miles, Maria Telnikoff and Cherry Eckel. They create work which is silly, energetic, heartwarming, “woke” and “stupid”.
Sorry, this is a past event. Booking is no longer available.