Help Us Keep Theatre Free For Underserved Communities
At London Bubble, we believe in the power of theatre to spark change. Through our free drama projects, we create safe spaces where individuals facing disempowerment, exclusion, and inequity can share their stories and build confidence in shaping their own narratives.

Our Seven Key Principles
1.We help members of our community recognise their VALUE and importance in society by welcoming, accepting and caring about people from all walks of life.
Our theatre projects are built around seven core principles, ensuring that participants gain a sense of belonging, confidence, and creative expression.
We recognise and celebrate the value of every individual in our community.
In our 2023/24 Tea Break Theatre report, 86% of participants felt listened to and accepted, and 93% look forward to more sessions being added to the programme. Older adults often face stigma and fewer opportunities for engagement in the arts and we challenge that narrative by proving it’s never too late to take part.
It gives me something to look forward to. I’m learning a hell of a lot out of this and enjoying the support from other people pushing me out of my comfort zone, things I wouldn’t have done on my own. It’s incredible to be part of something like this, it’s so encouraging.
– Older Adult
2.We provide a space for people to meet others, make friends and build social CONNECTION.
Building social relationships is important as we strive to combat loneliness and isolation, and we provide a space for people to meet and new make friends.
Over five years, 73% of our Young Theatre Makers felt closer to their peers and the wider Bubble community, and it has been wonderful to see so many alumni continue collaborating beyond Bubble, strengthening their creative networks.
I think seeing so many older YTM members and how connected they are still with Bubble, makes you realise you can have the same connection too and we all want to feel connected to something.
– Young Person
3.Our activities support members to live a better quality of life with improved health and WELLBEING.
Our activities support better mental and physical health. One of our older actors shared that participating in Beneath The Papers at Canada Water Theatre in 2024 “brought me back to life after COVID.” Similarly many older participants have reported improved memory, confidence, and mobility through initiatives like Tea Break Theatre and The Rotherhithe Shed.
My GP sent me, and when I came my memory was so bad. Now, I would never miss a week from it. My experience coming to the Bubble is amazing and fantastic. I never thought I would be able to speak much better and walk much better.
– Older Adult
4.We invest in the personal and professional DEVELOPMENT of our members. Helping them to discover new interests, gain skills and achieve their goals.
Helping members discover new interests, gain skills, and achieve personal and professional goals is at the heart of what we do. We deliver projects for under-represented and unheard groups (e.g. children with communication needs, residents of sheltered housing units, young people known to youth justice services) and believe that everyone deserves a chance to reach their full potential. 100% of young people in our Way Into Work programme at Bacon’s College agreed they now understand their strengths and how to apply them to education or employment. Across our other programmes, participants have shared how the projects we deliver have also given them a purpose, inspiration and ownership over their lives.
I have gained so much confidence in ourselves as artists. We now have an actual piece to show off our work and to develop from. This project has re-inspired my faith in theatre and the industry.
I’ve been coming to The Rotherhithe Shed for about 5 or 6 years. […] I don’t have a workshop at home and now I have access to workshop facilities which lets me be more ambitious than I would at home. This has given me the means to actually plan bigger projects, which makes me ambitious and creative with my projects. I’m proud that, at 77, my brain is still working and I’m enjoying learning and probably more than I did at school.
– The Rotherhithe Shed Member
5.We AMPLIFY the voices of marginalised people by driving community-led projects that engage underserved groups and spark meaningful conversations.
It’s important that everyone has space to share the stories and issues that matter to them creatively. Playing Safe, our serious youth violence intervention programme for Year 6, found 87% of children felt forum theatre helped them explore the topic of youth violence in a safe environment.
Nothing that a participant may say or not say is right or wrong and everything is valid. This opens a space within which participants can let their imaginations run wild, there is room to experiment and improvise.
– Bubble Facilitator
6.We advocate for a richer and more INCLUSIVE cultural scene by championing the diversity of London’s demographics, and targeting those people who have experienced inequity, disempowerment and/or exclusion.
We champion diversity and ensure the arts are accessible to all by making sure our theatre space is a place where everyone feels they belong. We give room for participants to try new things and encourage them to explore multiple roles regardless of who they are.
Young Theatre Makers made a difference to my life because it helped give me the confidence to apply for drama school and force my way into that world. Before, I didn’t feel it was a world I could be part of or have any right to join. Being part of Bubble as a company has made me feel like it’s possible. Even after drama school, in a career where nothing is ever secure, Bubble has always been a constant and helps me keep creative.
– Young Theatre Makers Alum
7.We believe that theatre should be for everyone and are committed to breaking down elitist and costly barriers to the arts by providing FREE opportunities to individuals.
Many people in the communities we serve feel excluded from theatre due to high costs. We believe theatre should be accessible to all – not just as spectators but as creators. That’s why we provide free opportunities for participants to make, produce, and experience theatre firsthand. In addition to free theatre trips, we also support participants with auditions and self-tapes at no cost, ensuring they have the guidance and industry connections to pursue their creative ambitions.
I think that often theatre can be quite a closed off community, and it can be difficult financially for people to watch shows and get involved in theatre. Having this so close to home and free is just perfect for someone like me who wouldn’t be able to take part otherwise.
– MAKE SPACE! Audience Member