
What's Happening at London Bubble?

Welcome to our blog space! We have been making theatre with and for our communities since 1972 and our mission will forever be to foster a more connected and equal society. So if you never want to miss a Bubble moment, read on…
Lucy Bradshaw shares how Bubble uses theatre to combat loneliness among older adults.
'Museum of Me' is touring schools!
Last Saturday saw a number of major gatherings: the Grand National, the Boat Race, and the coming together of the 30 After
Two months in and this project has taken on a life of its own... grown a pair of legs and is running away
Theatre is an art form that has spanned hundreds of years, and is defined by various aspects. The main component of theatre
Being a part of a community is an important job, whether it be your local community or a community where a group
The audience is absolutely central to any work we do in theatre which is how I come to find myself sitting in
“ stir in 100 grams of specialist artists”. Last week saw us running The Big Consultation. 110 lucky people were asked 3
Sunday afternoon. I am making a singing banana. I am very pleased, not only has it got a mouth that sings it also
Hopelessly De-Voted has two aims. To reflect on what we feel about how our political system works and to test the Bubble’s ‘Foraging’
‘When Sophia likes a picture on Instagram, she has no idea of the trouble it will cause. A quick decision made in
Snap – This week we snapped an image for our poster and came up with a snappy title! We are pleased to introduce: Snap,
This last week has been a week for learning - beginning with 'first aid in the work place' and gaining our Level
In 2011 London Bubble started making new theatre pieces with groups of volunteer performers of all ages and backgrounds. People found the
This week has been a jam packed week for our company! Not that we plan on slowing down now, after the week
Our Young Theatre Makers program is now on its 7th cohort and we have gained another diverse and enthusiastic group. Between these
A panel led by Jocelyn Cunningham (Arts and Society), Paul Heritage (People’s Palace Projects), Justine Kenyon (Arts and Culture, Wandsworth Council) and
“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” Maya Angelou “Capitalism has stolen our stories. It sells them back
Having read ‘Lean In’ by Sheryl Sandberg, some employees of Norton Rose Fulbright wondered what advice they might give their 16 year
It’s Monday morning. I open my inbox and find the usual to do list, meetings to attend and an email from a Fergus Carr. I don’t know Fergus Carr
“What an amazing experience, I spent my day with the guys from London Bubble Theatre Company as they continue their journey interviewing
Making theatre intergenerationally is the topic of the day. We began with the From Docks to Desktops roadshow; a participatory exhibition of the
We gathered in the rehearsal room, about 30 of us. Peth opened and welcomed and then I (Julia Voce, former member and