
What's Happening at London Bubble?

Welcome to our blog space! We have been making theatre with and for our communities since 1972 and our mission will forever be to foster a more connected and equal society. So if you never want to miss a Bubble moment, read on…
Lucy Bradshaw shares how Bubble uses theatre to combat loneliness among older adults.
'Museum of Me' is touring schools!
London Bubble’s Young Theatre Makers Programme opens its doors to 12 new budding young people that have all taken an interest in
So we have come to our end of the first year (and more) of Charting the Mayflower workshops where we have explored
The day before this week’s workshop I had spent half an hour online, talking to Mohegan theatre maker Madeline Sayet. I saw
Nine Bubble participants are currently appearing in The Merry Wives of Windsor at the Globe Theatre on London’s South Bank. Here’s their
On Thursday the 6th of June, I took part in the intergenerational Charting the Mayflower workshop. We discussed the effect of the
Our exploration into the passengers on the Mayflower saw us setting out for our own new worlds last week. We were tasked
Wow, what an opportunity! Ten of us - Bubble participants of different ages and experience - are about to step onto one
“Where shall we go? What country will have us?” In small clusters people are asked to choose a new home and place
The Adult Drama group's performance was called 'Blah Blah Blah...Brexit'. When we started at the beginning of the year, because we are
Working with Tea Break was such a rewarding, warm and wonderful experience.  As someone who works in theatre primarily with the 11-25
Last Thursday evening, everyone on board the Mayflower project explored ‘Encounters and Influencers’, the moments we meet people and the effects they
At this week’s Mayflower session, we explored lingering, unanswered questions and ideas the group has about how and why the voyage took
Cramped, weightless, swaying. I carried these words with me as I left the Mayflower session last Thursday and journeyed home. Well not
Over the past nine months since its inception, London Bubble’s intergenerational project Charting The Mayflower has been looking at the ‘why’ behind
It is a hot June day. There is an audience of about 40 people looking on. Seven women sit in an arch
London Bubble’s inter-generational project Charting the Mayflower is bringing together historians, artists, volunteers and participants of all ages to explore the Mayflower
The session on the 14th June commenced with a deep discussion in an attempt to draw ties between The Mayflower Ship and
This is my third week attending a workshop on the Charting the Mayflower project. My journey so far has been really interesting
I accepted an invitation to help on a project directed by Helena Rice at the Bubble Theatre Company. I was thrilled to
I am Tzu-Ying from Taiwan. I have done the internship and volunteered in Bubble for about six months. I mainly participated in
Tonight was an interesting “voyage” for me, because it was my first practical workshop at Bubble (though I’ve been involved in the