
What's Happening at London Bubble?

Welcome to our blog space! We have been making theatre with and for our communities since 1972 and our mission will forever be to foster a more connected and equal society. So if you never want to miss a Bubble moment, read on…
Lucy Bradshaw shares how Bubble uses theatre to combat loneliness among older adults.
'Museum of Me' is touring schools!
Making a difference in changing times...
Making a difference in changing times...
Thank you Southwark Business Awards!
Our Children's Programme Producer Emily Little shares her reflection on this summer's Playing Safe project.
Jade Dowsett-Roberts shares her experience of facilitating on our latest children's holiday projects.
Today we catch up with the newest member of Team Bubble, Alex H, to see how she's getting on in her role as General Manager.
To celebrate International Women's Day this year, we take a closer look at our Joint Executive Director Lucy Bradshaw, whose journey at Bubble Theatre started as a participant.
After 13 years spearheading the development of the Speech Bubbles programme at London Bubble, leading it to national prominence and developing a
Following the heatwave, London was hit with a torrential rain and booming thunderstorm that left many roads, tube stations and parks out
Eric MacLennan is a freelance artist-connector on Bubble’s Creative Elders Programme. Here he reflects on the experience of adapting his practice during
Last week two pieces of research were released that told a concerning story about how some children’s speech, language and communication had
This year Brent Knoll Special School asked me to run Speech Bubbles (a drama for communication intervention) online. I was a little
Black History Month was important this year. In the wake of George Floyd's murder and with the rise of the Black Lives
Originally published on A New Direction's website. Speech Bubbles has gone back to school! Hooray! We have started a little later than
With so much talk about children going back to school having to ‘catch up’ it was with relief that I came across
  London Bubble would like to express our thanks to Paul Hamlyn Foundation for emergency support of the Speech Bubbles programme at
After over thirty years of service, our creative director Jonathan Petherbridge steps down today. As we transition into a (possibly different/in some
Last Thursday evening we started by welcoming new members of the group and sharing the basic Mayflower story through a rough acted
As we are now finishing week six (!!!), which is half way through this year’s Young Theatre Makers Programme, we wanted to