Please share with us your comments, feedback and memories from the Blackbirds performances at The Albany this October.
Please share with us your comments, feedback and memories from the Blackbirds performances at The Albany this October.
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5 responses
Just wanted to thank you for the tickets for Blackbirds, we all really enjoyed it, it really has left a mark on me, very touching and well put together.
I enjoyed the Saturday afternoon performance of ‘Blackbirds’ I was a child in WW2 and although living in Scotland, came down during the war to visit my grandmother in Golders Green. I recall having to hide under a table during one raid like the children in ‘Blackbirds’ I have seen shows about WW2 but Blackbirds has a view of WW2 as I remember it, especially the feeling for a child that WW1 was supposed to be worse for civilians, as my parents and grandparents told me. At times the sound of the sirens and bombing brought back vivid memories. Not many other shows as I have said, about WW2, have done that for me.
I attended with my mum, who has seen many many productions and she along with myself thought it was great, I have thought about it a no. of times since leaving the Albany, I am also going to go down to Mayflower St to show my daughter. Also the discussion it has prompted with my 6 yr old esp. as “poppy day” is upon us has been invaluable, thanks.
I went with the children as part of my son’s Dance Class – their theme this term is WWII – but I learned a huge amount about how hard it must have been. The reality of three generations of family being separated suddenly was brought home to me. I enjoyed seeing the children and ‘seniors’ working together – I imagine they learned a great deal. It was enjoyable as well as informative – well done!
I came to see BLACKBIRDS in Southwark, in that eerie high-ceilinged ex-church, and found it very powerful, true, realistic, terrible and awful and ‘wonderful’. I thought then that the production had the feel of what it REALLY must have been like for Bermondsey people. I was impressed by the way the huge cast moved about, presented their drama, and wove it together so well for us.
I persuaded my elder brother to come and see it again with me – he had been a small boy during the War. Yes – we did ‘enjoy’ it – the same moving experience, but for me, in a different venue, a different feel. We were a little more critical than I had been the first time, (re the propaganda,) but the very thought of how inter-generational this work was, how local children and adults had worked together keeps it a very important piece of theatre, telling us about a terrifying real-life experience we all hope will never ever happen again.
Thank you again for a fine show!
R. Craft. Audience member at Albany & Dilston Grove