Between February and March 2024, we partnered with Angela Clerkin from Box Office Bears to deliver a grrrreat show about bears roaming the streets of London during the Elizabethan Era!


The Case of the Missing Bear Bones began in February with 6 bear-tastic workshops aimed at adults aged 18+ looking to improve their drama and devising skills. The Monday evening sessions were FREE to attend and saw amazing characters and stories being created. 

At the end of the 6 weeks, our participants put on a performance of their show at Bubble Headquarters for an invited audience of friends and family.

What is 'The Case of The Missing Bare Bones'?

Missing bare bones are discovered to have been liquidised and turned into bone broth, debates over the end of bear-baiting at the Bear Inn, a re-telling of The Nantwich Fire & The Incredible Escaping Bears, a teddy bear picnic and a 3-man scientist writing a book about it all!

These were only some of the tails that had captured the imaginations of our incredible participants!

The Case of the Missing Bear Bones explored bears, social history and scientific discovery.

In partnership with:

It was great to see such a range of ages getting involved together!"

"I knew very little about bear baiting before joining the cast, it was fascinating, and quite disturbing, to hear how popular it was at the time. I enjoyed improvising around historical events such as the Nantwich fire and giving excuses for not attending church and going to the bear baiting instead."

“The participants engaged with the research by Box Office Bears and enjoyed local history informing their stories and discussions. They collaborated in a fun and artistic environment, challenging themselves and developing their skills as theatre makers. We also witnessed the impact this project had on the group’s social and emotional wellbeing; improved self-belief, improved self-awareness, improved communication and relational skills, increased motivation and resilience, demonstrating the need for more projects like this in the community.”


people attended the show as invited audience members.


adults took part in the project.


years old were the ages ranged in the group.